
Kamis, 21 Juni 2012

5 Morningside Teardowns Done, the Before Pictures.

I'm going to miss the chimney but I never noticed until they marked it for demolition.

Destruction and construction are booming in some Atlanta neighborhoods.

I believe this was a duplex. It's appreciated $230 between 1991 and 2011.

It's a spec house and it sold before it was complete.

P1020446-2011-12-14-916 Amsterdam-teardown-or-poptop-south-facade-before
This one had a familiar Morningside style.

P1020445-2011-12-14-916 Amsterdam-teardown-or-poptop-west-facade-detail-before
It's had been added on in a less than high quality way, probably an extra apartment or 2 back there. It's a spec house that sold before it was complete.

This was probably the very last infill on its street. It's on a tiny lot.

It did have a nice little garage. This spec house sold before it was complete.

This became a custom, architect designed poptop and one of my favorite projects. It didn't turn out like the others.

Will this be missed?

This was be a mid-century rancher on an ideal lot for a prestige house.

They just don't build them like this anymore. Now it's an architect designed house.

More later.

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